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Ultimate CCTV Installations

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Ultimate CCTV cameras are installed at your premises this can be your home, school or workstation.

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Ultimate CCTV cameras are installed at your premises this can be your home, school or workstation to help provide that extra layer of unforeseen security for example at Home Ultimate cameras can help you monitor your child incase of child abuse or security incase of theft because these cameras come with motion sensors for when an intruder comes in the cameras start to automatically record.

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  • Night Vision i.e the cameras can see in the dark or night
  • High Definition 64MP that give you quality imagery and videos
  • Motion sensors for an added layer of security
  • Real-Time Alerts
  • Motion sensors can also be used to trigger alarms
  • Two-Way Audio
  • Alert to a smartphone or tablet
  • Office or on-the-go CCTV monitoring
  • Wireless Connectivity
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