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Ultimate Fuel Monitoring

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Fuel levels and anti-siphoning monitoring solutions.

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We install Ultimate’s fuel monitoring systems in your vehicles fuel tank that will enable you to have real time fuel readings. The fuel readings are diverse and include fuel siphoning alerts meaning that incase fuel is unexpectedly being removed from your tank, you will recieve an instant real time alert, Below, we have summarized our Ultimate Fuel Monitoring service benefits.

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  • Real-Time reading of fuel in tank
  • Real-Time fuel re-fill alerts
  • Real-Time fuel siphoning alerts
  • Refueling Alerts with liters & location
  • Accuracy of up-to 98%
  • Sudden fuel drop alert with location
  • Generate run hours report
  • Reports & Graphs on daily consumption
  • Fuel Levels monitoring
  • Real-Time fuel alert
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