Ultimate Tracking

Ultimate tracking Ltd is a telematic company providing innovative tailored made solutions of vehicle tracking, fleet management, fuel monitoring and home security system.

A little about us!

Always deliver more than expected.

Ultimate tracking Ltd is a telematic company providing innovative tailored made solutions of vehicle tracking, fleet management, fuel monitoring and home security system. Collaborating a solid up to speed team to ensure that our clients’ asset is secure 24/7
Affordable, Quality Vehicle tracking and fleet Management Solutions Delivered with exceptional after sales customer service.

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Years of Experience

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Projects Completed

Quality Offers

Fuel Reports

Fuel Monitoring System

Traffic Hotspot Assistance

Web & App Tracking

Location Based

Remote Assistance

Clients Love


At Ultimate Tracking Ltd, we аrе making research continuously аnd improving оur ѕеrvісеѕ to thе hіghеѕt ѕtаndаrdѕ. Wе оffеr dіffеrеnt ѕеrvісеs rаngіng frоm vehicle tracking solutions, Fuel Monitoring solutions, Fleetwise Vehicle workshop management toolkit, Suitable for Personal motorbikes, Personal Vehicles, Small & Large vehicle Fleets. Our сlіеnt’ѕ іntеrеѕt оur priority.

Dickson Manager

"Working with Ultimate Tracking came as a Blessing in disguise, it all started with tracking one of my cars and i liked their service it was quite affordable so we went on to Installation of CCTV Cameras at my premises which i agree too with a total yes impression on my face."

Balikuddembe Shafic Business man / Car Owner

Our Team

Creative Engineers


Business Development, Manager



Mbaziira Vincent

Automotive Engineer

Bwogi Kevin Timothy




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